Lo stile è il modo di raccontare chi sei senza parlare

Fashion Revolution: the first step in becoming aware of what it means to buy a piece of clothing, towards a more ethical and sustainable future for the fashion industry, respecting people and the environment. (Marina Spadafora)
Ecological awareness is increasingly widespread even in the fashion world: it is absolutely important to know in detail each step that led to the creation of what we wear. Our purchase is just the end point of the long journey that involves the invisible workforce behind our clothes. Fashion Revolution Week is the initiative created to commemorate the 1133 people who died on April 24th 2013 following the collapse of the Rana Plaza production complex in Dhaka, Bangladesh. A week dedicated to promoting a more ethical fashion on a global scale. More than 50 countries are involved. The goal is a fairer fashion. And also Turin participated in the event with over 20 workshops, 4 talks, 1 live performance and many other events in the city and its surroundings: to make the public discover that a fashion system that is more attentive to the environment and to people is really possible.